Thursday, June 17, 2010

Friday, June 4, 2010

Bling BLANG! Golden Fangs by Golden Chix

Found the perfect accessory for all the twilight/true blood fans out there. This necklace can be found at Gaudiness done right! Amazing!!!!!!!! Viva Vampires?

Wednesday, June 2, 2010


Red Bottoms: Studded Heart

I NEED A PAIR.... Just passed by someone wearing these down the street in SOHO.... what happened to my deposit money???? Is it possible to construct these? My next project studded wing tips. VIVA loubous

Mustache Man: S|S 2010 Beyond Closet by Tae Yong

LOVE Beyond Closet by Tae Yong: Check out the line at Casual yet very dressed up... beyond the closet. I need a synthetic mustache I'm inspired! VIVA beyond closet.